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What can I say about myself...I love my family, I love my husband, and I LOVE photography!


I grew up in Washington State, near Seattle. I'm the middle of 5 kids, and the shortest one (and if you've met me in person you know how insane that is!)


I've been married to my Okie-husband for over 10 years. He supports my passion whole-heartedly and I love him more for it. 

We have 3 beautiful, amazing children... 2 girls and our little man. Although I always loved taking pictures and playing with light, it wasn't until after my oldest daughter was born that I really understand the joy that photos can bring.


A photo can freeze a moment in time, bring back feelings, sounds and smells, and bring a loved one back in our hearts in one glance.


My goal with each session I do is to capture your family's personality... your story. 


I want your portraits to be something you will look back on in the future years to smile and make your heart burst!

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